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May 4, 2023
The team took pictures with Prof. George Smith, 2018 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

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New, Prof. Smith, Mac, and Mix in BAB classroom. 

March 6, 2023
Gail's retirement party at WS Speed. Please don't go, Gail!.


March 1, 2023
Tik, Mix, and Mac visited AAK USA K1/K2 LLC. Thank you, Mahdi, Greg, and Jackie, for your hospitality.


Left to Right: Nilufar Chowdhury, Jackson Stewart, Napat Lertthanaphol (Mac), Pichaya Chuangpusri (Mix), Mahdi Samanipour, Greg Considder, Luis Gomez, Omid Ghasemi-Fare, and Noppadon Sathitsuksanoh (Tik). Jackie Steffey (not in the picture)

January 20, 2023
Tik, Dr. Zhihui Sun, and (almost) Dr. Emily Kempfer visited Mercy Academy (Louisville, KY) to chat with students about careers in Science and Engineering. Thank you, Dr. Eric Wong and Mr. Pat Burton for having us!


Left: Group picture with inspired Mercy students

Right: Emily scared students away from science. Oh no!

June 20, 2022
Our research on MOF catalysts for biomass conversion is highlighted in Chemistry Views. 

May 14, 2022
Congratulations to Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain, Dr. Mohhamad Shahinur Rahaman, Ms. Ashten Molley, & Mr. Kyle Mills. Our first batch of ARMies. We look forward to seeing your success in your future endeavors. We will cheer you on!


March 24, 2022
We received the award from NSF to train undergraduate students on the interplay between municipal solid wastes and construction materials.

February 24, 2022
Tik received the NSF CAREER Award to elucidate the mechanism of the plastic upcycling.

February 24, 2017

We all went to the 2017 NSF-sponsored Super Collider at the University Kentucky, toured CAER, and looked around Prof. Jian Shi's lab at the Department of BioSystems Engineering at UK.  Khoa, New, and Anwar got to showcase their projects and got feedbacks.

February 23, 2017

Shoot the (poor) breeze with Dr. Ning Sun, a senior scientist at ABPDU/LBNL.

Dr. Sun shared her thoughts on our projects - hemp hydrolysis and production of small molecules from biomass. Khoa, Anwar, and New got to interrogate Dr. Sun about her IL expertise. 

February 18, 2017

Dr. Nurak from Thammasat visited the lab.  So we took him to Jim Beam and showed him what Kentucky is famous for.

December 19, 2016

Shoot the (poor) breeze with Dr. Neil Templeton, a senior scientist at Merck.

Today, we kicked off our seminar series, 'Shoot the (poor) breeze with the scientist.' We would like to learn how they get to where they are, what their motivation is, and their feedback about what we do. Dr. Templeton shared his experiences and perspectives about graduate school and his career path prior to joining Merck. Khoa, Anwar, and New got to interrogate Dr. Templeton. 

September 13, 2016

We went to try a new Vietnamese restaurant. Dr. Phung confirmed its authenticity and taught Anwar how to use chopsticks! 

August 26, 2016

Prof. Lourdes Orejuela, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), Quito, Ecuador, visited ARM


August 2, 2016

New joined ARM.  Welcome New!

August 1, 2016

Anwar joined ARM.  Welcome Anwar!

July 2, 2016

Dr. Phung joined ARM.  Welcome Dr. Phung!

June 28, 2016

Cabage Patch Science Camp visited our Unit Ops Lab for some science experiments.  Welcome kids!

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