We are ARMed (but not dangerous) with chemistry and biology to help us save the world. Our group develops a biochemical toolbox to decarbonize our society. We use numerous analytical and characterization tools to understand our toolbox and make the developed processes energy-efficient and cost-effective. Below is the list of selected instruments in our labs. Our labs locate at Lutz Hall, Room 312 and Ernst Hall, Room 206.
Agilent 7690B GC/MS-FID
The GC is equipped with FID and MS for quantification and identification of compounds. We build our extended library for an ease in id-ing uncommon compounds.

Agilent 1100 HPLC -RID/DAD
The HPLC is connected with RID and DAD with quat pump, so we could operate in isocratic and gradient modes.

MicroMeritics TriStar 3000
The porosimeter provides fast and accurate measurements of the surface area, pore volume, and the pore size distribution of small powder samples.
MicroMeritics TriStar 3000
The porosimeter provides fast and accurate measurements of the surface area, pore volume, and the pore size distribution of small powder samples.

Renishaw inVia Confocal Raman Microscope
Reflection Raman microscopy enables chemical identification of elements and compounds with a spatial resolution of ~1 µm.

MicroMeritics ChemiSorb 2720
Selective chemisorption
can be equipped to perform chemical and physical adsorption tests of catalysts.

X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) Bruker D8
Includes Cu sealed-tube x-ray source with NaI dynamic scintillation detector. It is used for phase analysis of crystalline nanostructures.

TA Instruments High-Res TGA 2950
The weight-temperature profile is helpful in establishing procedures for regenerating catalysts and other processes in reactors.

Thermo-VG Scientific X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
XPS spectrometer systems provide quantitative chemical
analysis of solid surfaces
and thin films.

TA Instruments Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) TA2910
It measures the difference in heat flowrate between asample and inertreference as a function of time and temp.

EDAX TEAMâ„¢ EDS System for SEM X-ray Microanalysis
The EDS-SEM system is used to analyze the location (mapping) and chemical components within materials and catalysts.

EDAX TEAMâ„¢ EDS Analysis System for TEM
The systems are offered for TEMs and STEMs with smart features to determine metal particle sizes and crystallite sizes.

Synthesis oven with a variable agitator
This oven is used for catalyst synthesis. We added the agitator to help with the mixing.

Vigor glovebox
The storage for moisture and oxygen sensitive materials.

Autolab potentiostat & 40 channel battery testers
We use our Autolab to perform electrochemcial characterization of materials and cells. Then we use our battery testers to evaluate the cell stability.

The FTIR is our workhorse. We use it for charcterizing our powders, films, and liquids.

High voltage power supply
Our high voltage power supply rates up to 30 kV.

Film coater
Our coater is for making polymer and ceramic films with adjustiable thickness.

Calendaring mchine
We compress our film to control the thickness and porosity.